
How To Create Multiple Choice Questions

Glasses on table
January 24, 2022
6 mins to read
Katie Hasselstrom

A well-written multiple choice question gives the responders two or more answer choices. In actuality, they are practical, take less time to complete, and may make data analysis incredibly simple. There is a problem, though! How can you make your MCQs more engaging so that your students will pay attention?

We've put together a list of various multiple-choice question formats, along with samples of each, to help you overcome this issue. This blog will prepare you to ask the proper MCQs at the right moment and engage your students, whether you are an examiner or a research analyst.

But first, let us learn what multiple choice questions actually are.

What Are Multiple Choice Questions?

Multiple-choice questions are common survey questions that offer students a variety of response alternatives. Multiple-choice questions can, in general, have one or more response choices. These are the most basic survey or questionnaire questions, where respondents are asked to choose one or more answers from the available choices.

Multiple Choice Question Key Components

The question and answer in a multiple-choice test have several key components. Let's explore them!


The main query or claim is referred to as the stem. The stem ought to be basic, direct, and expressed in clear English.


False choices that are intended to confuse and test the respondent are known as distractions. To avoid sounding overly obvious, you must carefully choose your distractions.


This is the right response to the question's stem. Sometimes there may be more than one right response, and the reply is free to choose more than one.

Types Of Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Single select multiple choice questions
  2. Multi-select multiple choice questions
  3. Dropdown menu multiple choice questions
  4. Star rating multiple choice questions
  5. Text slider multiple choice question
  6. Numeric slider multiple choice question
  7. Thumbs Up/Down multiple choice question
  8. Matrix table multiple choice question
  9. Rank order multiple choice question
  10. Image/picture based multiple choice question

How To Create Multiple Choice Questions?

To help you get the most out of student responses, we've described the key steps for building stronger fixed-choice questions below.

Step 1: Start by writing the stem.

Your questions have to focus on a specific issue associated with key information from the lecture. The Faculty Innovation Center at the University of Texas advises that the majority of the information should be included in the question so that the answer choices can be limited and that negatives should be avoided whenever feasible because they tend to confuse the majority of readers.

You can use this method to design precise questions that assess your student's use of the formula if you're a physics teacher who has been taught how to gauge the velocity of moving objects.  You may, for instance, frame the issue as a situation from real life and then expressly instruct them to determine the speed using the lesson's concepts.

Step 2: Decide on and type the right response.

Be succinct and transparent. Make sure you vary the placement of the correct answer (i.e., don't always make it the third option) and avoid making the correct answer seem simple in comparison to the bad responses. By completing the equation (distance/time = speed) in the aforementioned example, the solution would be 100 meters/10 seconds = 10 m/s.

Step 3: Write the false replies.

Common student mistakes serve as effective, believable distractors. Avoid obvious wrong responses and try to avoid using "All of the above" or "None of the above." The pupil may become more uneasy as a result and believe you are playing a prank on them. You may find plausible detractors for the previous speed example by entering the numbers incorrectly in the formula or by just altering a crucial component of the solution. For instance, 16/80 = 0.2,.2, and 5 s/m/s.


Multiple-choice tests have become more common in a variety of fields, including education, market research, customer satisfaction, product development, and many others, due to their adaptability. The finest multiple-choice questionnaires include the "others" option wherever available, accurate and pertinent answer choices, and straightforward language. You can gather thorough data and do faster research on your interested students by using well-framed MCQs.

Lastly, you can try Teacherbot to create activities for your students of all levels. You can either pick from our collection of pre-made materials or just make one from scratch. Create a questionnaire according to your specifications, add branching to the responses, and share it by email, social media, or embed code on your website. Yes, gathering the appropriate data is now really that easy.

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